FAQ - Max Pro

Max Pro


Q: How to switch between different LED modes?
A: Press "FN" + "INS" -  3modes. ( Modes can be switched by pressing this combination again.)
    Press "FN" + "HM"  -  3modes. (Modes can be switched by pressing this combination again.)
    Press "FN" + "PU"   -  3modes. (Modes can be switched by pressing this combination again.)
    Press "FN" + "DEL" -  3modes. (Modes can be switched by pressing this combination again.)
    Press "FN" + "PD"   -  3modes. (Modes can be switched by pressing this combination again.)
    Press "FN" + "END" -  3modes.  (Modes can be switched by pressing this combination again.)
    Press "FN" + " ~ "    -  1modes.
Q: Is it possible to program the backlit for keys in Max Pro ?
A: Yes, below is the detailed guide for the same
     Press twice "FN" +  "~", the Keyboard will enter into configuring mode. (NUM LOCK, CAPS LOCK & SCROLL LOCK LED will blink continuously.)
     Now press "FN"+ "RIGHT KEY", to change the selected color. The backlit colors will change in following order - 1.Red  2.Orange 3.Yellow  4.Green 5.light blue 6.Blue 7.Violet 8. White 9. Off.
     The selected backlit color will be visible in "~" key.
     To save the configured mode, press "FN" + "~" key once again.
     This custom color backlit will be saved even when keyboard is disconnected, you can select this custom color backlit by pressing "FN" + "~" key once.
Q: How to increase/decrease the brightness of the LED?
A.  Press "FN" + "Up/down arrow key" - to change the LED brightness adjustment
Q: How to increase/decrease the blinking/animation speed of the LED?
A.  Press "FN" +  "-"     - to decrease the blinking/animation speed of LED.
     Press "FN" +  "+"     - to increase the blinking/animation speed of LED.
Q. How to shift LED movement from one direction to other ?
A. Press "FN" + "Left  arrow key" - to move the led light from Left to right or Right to left.  
Q: How to Lock the windows Key?
A. Press "FN" + "Windows keys" - to lock the WINDOWS key function, press again to unlock.
Q: How to change the LED colors?
A. Press "FN" + "Right  arrow key".